Friday, 22 July 2022

Know About 5 Secrets and Strategies of SoundCloud Track Promotion

Being an artist you have to be prepared to go through some serious marketing aspects to promote your tracks on a platform like SoundCloud. Your music is your responsibility and to make it popular you have to make your target audience aware of the existence of your music. There are mostly two types of streams that you can get.

   i) First, people will learn about your track on their own and will indulge in your song.

  ii) The second option is that you will have to promote your tracks on various platforms including SoundCloud so that they invest their time in your track.

You cannot make a song and hope for the best, you have invested your time so that your audience gets to know about the music you are making. Well, SoundCloud track promotion will require dedication and consistency as you cannot reach 1M streams overnight. So here are some tips offered by reputed promotional company that will help you gain that 1M streams on your tracks released on SoundCloud.

SoundCloud track promotion

1. Publish the Best Quality Music

This is not the time to basic with your music, as millions of artists are doing a great job and publishing their songs each and every day. You have to make sure that your music has the best quality possible. From the beats to the melodies everything has to be up to the mark, otherwise, you will not have any long-term fans to your tracks.

2. Cultivate your Existing Audience

One of the most important aspects of an artist’s life is their fan base; you have to communicate with your existing fans so that they are invested not only in your music but also in your online persona. Here are some options by which you can keep your fans closer.

  i) Connect with them via your social media pages

ii)  Conduct Live interactions

iii) Positively reply to their comments

iv) Offer them some clips of your behind-the-screen moments

 v) Share trailer and teasers of your upcoming songs

vi) You can host Email Campaigns

In short, make them feel that they are well-connected to your musical self. And be yourself, it is not necessary that you must put up a camouflage. Be honest with your fans and release music regularly.

3. Social Media Sharing

Social Media will always be the star of the show, as it will offer you almost the entire population of this planet. And you can reach out to them and share about your track. You do not have to personally share about your music all the time. But make sure you and your team are creating a circulating effect, a buzz so that every person who is remotely interested in the genre of your track will be notified about it.

4. Reposting is the Key

If you are willing to know how to get more Soundcloud plays then you must be aware of reposting or repost chain. This is one of the most unique tools that can elevate your tracks to a larger number of listeners. A group of people will repost your track over and over again so that you get to reach a better number of listeners. There will be no limitations on how many streams you get with this unique strategy.

5. Be Discoverable

Optimization is the key to getting discovered in the overpopulated platform. Make sure you are offering the correct keyword and the appropriate tags so that it gets more visibility. So by doing this when someone searches for more related tracks they will be suggested with your track. Mention the genre and well-utilize the description section and you will be all set.

These tips are not always free of cost; you may have to pay for these services to get discovered in this world full of possibilities. But you must see the bigger picture and invest now at an early stage so that you get to reach the top soon. There is no alternative to hard work if you invest more time into these aspects now and write your own history.

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